Best price guarantee
Hotel de Nieuwe Doelen

Best price guarantee


  • €5.00 discount per night
  • cancel for free up to 24 hours (best flexible)
  • booking also possible including breakfast
  • wellness deal

Check our rooms

booking sites
Best price guaranteed
Best cancellation policy
Special packages Wellness
Free WiFi


For our business guests, we offer a flat rate the entire year round, including peak-season.

Additionally, we are pleased to offer our business guests the option of late check-in.

Dining Opportunities

Breakfast times – Should you prefer to have breakfast outside of the regularly scheduled times, please arrange this with our staff.

Lunch - Box lunches are also an option, perfect for individuals on-the-go.

Dinner - You can choose to eat dinner at our hotel, or at one of our partner restaurants in Middelburg. Please ask the front desk for a list of approximately 15 restaurants to choose from.  And, for ease of payment, you could also arrange to have your dinner bill sent directly to the hotel.

Payment Options

We accept payment by invoice, Visa/MasterCard, cash, or Pin etc.

By providing us with all the necessary information, we can also debit an exact amount from your credit card (you will not need to take your credit card with you).

  1. We will send a reply to this email address.
  2. We will use your telephone number if we need to contact you about your question.
  3. We only use your personal data for answering your question and will not use this information for anything else.
Best rate guaranteed